The Hidden Portal


Deep Within the forest,where the sunlight barley reaches lays a old temple with vines surrounding the area. The looks of this temple are overgrown and lonely. Near by the temple is a gong and it’s almost at one thousand years of age and three boys came to look around at the area because the were looking for resources for a project. They came across the gong and one of the boys said “Hey this is pretty cool maybe we could take it apart?” .  All of the boys agreed and decided to take it apart but it wouldn’t budge. the boys hit the gong and it opened a portal. with a forest inside…

…Part 2 coming soon…

Te Reo Maori Actions And Verbs

My Book


For Te Reo moari we have been making books on book creator about how to say what are you doing and the reply in  moari. We have read the books to the little kids. I’m pretty sure they liked it and we got to play some games on the Te Reo Maori learning sight.

Winn-Dixie Summary

In Urmis literacy we have been reading the book Winn-Dixie and here is a little summary about it so far.

Here are the chapters  one to six

Opal is a ten-year-old girl who went into a supermarket to get a box of mac and cheese and some white rice and tomatoes. But instead came out with a very skinny and under fed dog and she called the dog ‘ Winn-Dixie ‘. When she was in the supermarket the manager of the Winn-Dixie supermarket started to yell “Who’s dog is this!” GET IT OUT NOW!” But Opal stood up for the dog and said it was her dog but it wasn’t her dog at all. When they both came home Opal said to her dad the preacher ” daddy I found a dog in the supermarket can we please keep him” The preacher was not very pleased .” no dogs ” but Opal wanted to keep her so badly she kept her even tho the preacher did not any dogs in the house.

Over time the preacher like the dog more and more every day they were together and Opal was happy that she could keep Winn-Dixie as her own. The next day Opal and Winn-Dixie were out on a walk and Opal said they were both like orphans because they both don’t remember their Mothers. When they got home the preacher told Opal all about her mother and how they were so alike. But a few weeks after they got to a library and Mrs Franny (the librarian) Mistaken Winn-Dixie for a bear” Shes not a bear ” said Opal very protective of her dog.

Because of Winn-Dixie

For the past 2 weeks half of my literacy group has been learning about a book Because of Winn-Dixie. The other half has been learning about a different book. We did a create of, Because Of Winn-Dixie and it was drawing a picture of what you pictured while reading in. there was a sentence about a super market that I decided to draw and this is how it turned out.

If you can’t read the writing below this is what it says: Because Winn-Dixie is a story about a girl and a stray dog. In one of the first sentences the girl Opal she goes to a supermarket to get mac and cheese but when she walks in there are workers and mangers screaming and waving their arms at the dog but she stands up for the dog and says its her dog and then she walks out of the store and names the dog after the super market Winn-Dixie.

The Life Cycle Of A Cicada

      – Anameka


The Life Cycle Of A Cicada


The cicada is the loudest insect in  the world. Did you know that some species of cicadas spend 17 years of their life underground and also are called nymph’s at that stage. There are over 3,000 different species of cicadas in the whole world and one of them is the North American cicada that is known as the loudest Cicada.


Cicadas have crystal clear with tiny little holes underneath the wings with ribs inside of the hole And that’s where they make noises out of. And how do they do that? Well they move one of the ribs to hit into the next one and that creates the noises. They also have big eyes and teeny tiny little antennas.



The life cycle start’s off with the eggs the eggs are made by a male cicada that makes a hissing noise to attract the females that call is called a tymbal call, the  female reply to that in clicking noises to send a message to the male saying “I’m over here” then once they find each other they start to mate and lay the eggs.



 After that the eggs hatch into the nymph that’s a stage where some of the cicadas spend 17 years underground. If they have been underground they wait till its the correct time to come out then they find a tree to rest on. Once the cicada has found the tree the molt and that’s when they turn into an adult and leave their nymph case which is also their old skin and leave it on the tree.



Now that the cicada is a fully grown adult they have 4 weeks left to live so the have to have babies quickly before the die. Once they die they fall onto the ground and decompose into the soil.


Cicadas are very interesting insects and their cycle is very interesting as well,  if you’re ever walking at a park see if you can spot a cicada molt on a tree they could also be covered depending on where you live. Just don’t get too close to them if you see them because they are the loudest insects so they could deafen you.

Sentence Structure

For the next 2-3 weeks were going to be doing sentences and we have done a simple sentence a compound sentence and a complex sentence.

Sentence Structure

Topic: dinner


Simple sentence – I was eating dinner.

Compound sentence – I was eating dinner but it made me full.

complex sentence – After I ate dinner last night, I thought it was gross.


My Pet Rock Watermelon Habitat

This is my pet rock and his name is Jeffrey. I made him a habitat and it’s supposed to be a fruit bowl. There are two lemons in his fruit bowl  and two watermelons (including him) You can’t see the lemons in the photos because he’s on top of them.  I made his fruit bowl using: card, egg carton, felt, glue and hot glue. I was surprised at first because I didn’t think it was going to hold him up it ended up doing its job though luckily.

Digital Citizenship

For a couple of terms we have been doing digital citizenship. there are four modules and I have fished the first module. The first module was about technology and how you can use it wisely. There were a few question where you choose your answer and a few that you write your own.