– Anameka
The Life Cycle Of A Cicada
The cicada is the loudest insect in the world. Did you know that some species of cicadas spend 17 years of their life underground and also are called nymph’s at that stage. There are over 3,000 different species of cicadas in the whole world and one of them is the North American cicada that is known as the loudest Cicada.
Cicadas have crystal clear with tiny little holes underneath the wings with ribs inside of the hole And that’s where they make noises out of. And how do they do that? Well they move one of the ribs to hit into the next one and that creates the noises. They also have big eyes and teeny tiny little antennas.
The life cycle start’s off with the eggs the eggs are made by a male cicada that makes a hissing noise to attract the females that call is called a tymbal call, the female reply to that in clicking noises to send a message to the male saying “I’m over here” then once they find each other they start to mate and lay the eggs.
After that the eggs hatch into the nymph that’s a stage where some of the cicadas spend 17 years underground. If they have been underground they wait till its the correct time to come out then they find a tree to rest on. Once the cicada has found the tree the molt and that’s when they turn into an adult and leave their nymph case which is also their old skin and leave it on the tree.
Now that the cicada is a fully grown adult they have 4 weeks left to live so the have to have babies quickly before the die. Once they die they fall onto the ground and decompose into the soil.
Cicadas are very interesting insects and their cycle is very interesting as well, if you’re ever walking at a park see if you can spot a cicada molt on a tree they could also be covered depending on where you live. Just don’t get too close to them if you see them because they are the loudest insects so they could deafen you.